Stress Reduction Therapy
Stress Reduction Therapy, or BioScan SRT, is a remarkable new procedure that combines the holistic disciplines of Biofeedback, Acupuncture and Homeopathy with Laser Light technology.
If you suffer from emotional, chemical, environmental, or biological stress and have symptoms presenting as allergies, pain, ADHD, poor memory, virus, bacteria, difficulty losing weight, insomnia, hormonal issues, anxiety, bloating or poor digestion, BioScan SRT can bring balance back. BioScarn SRT has also been shown to be an effective method for quitting smoking.
A BioScan SRT is painless, can be done in 6-20 minutes and is non-invasive making it a safe procedure for patients of all ages. Everyone gets stressed once in awhile and the BioScan SRT system can play a key role in restoring a healthy and happy life.